Touch Healing®
Beginner Level 1
Classes and dates are subject to change.
for Level 1
1. Reiki 1
"Reiki" is a Japanese word for the
concept: "Universal Life Energy". Reiki's initial stages can be learned by
anyone regardless of their personal philosophy and/or spiritual belief
2. Creating the Instrument.
The healer is the instrument. And how the healer develops, exercises,
tunes and changes the instrument will determine the type and level the
healer will become. This class will teach you the basics or foundation
needed to become a healer.
You will
learn how to cultivate and run energy. How to scan and start to interpret
the Biofield. How to work with and develop your senses: taste, touch,
smell, hearing and feeling. And you will get a working knowledge of the
Biofield (Chakra system). You will learn two techniques: Spinal Neuro
Balancing and Energy Giving.
3. Running more Energy
This class is designed to help you develop your understanding of energy:
how to generate and run more energy, how your energy impacts and effects
others around you, how to work with and change your vibrations, and how to
recognize and stop energy drains. This includes learning about the
Crystalline Structure of each chakra, what they represent, and how to work
with these energy centers.
4. Chelation an Energy Approach to a Whole Body System.
In this class you will learn about and how to work with
Chakras: a
word used to describe the human energy centers. There are seven major key
energy nodes that lie along the midline of the body (chakras), which come up
the center of the body and each one has unique energy, developmental and
consciousness properties.
Running energy in the
biofield that clears energetic blockages.
This can be done through the body as well as in energetic Chelation.
Energy Healing:
Interventions that release energetic blockages, and
repattern and balance the human biofield.
Realignment of the biofield to itsnatural whole state.
Human energy system:
A dynamic interactivesystem of subtle
energies that consists of chakras, meridians, and aura or biofield.In
healing science, the biofield is assessed, adeep clearing using energetic
chelation through the body is completed, then the biofield is repatterned
and balanced.
5. Change and Transformational Growth
What is change? What does it look like? And why do we want it? All
these questions will be answered. In this class you will be part of a
process of coming from darkness into the light.
6. Hands on Healing
This is a basic hands on healing class for the beginner and advanced
healer. This class is designed to help you gain a working understanding of
the energy dynamics between healer and client. You will learn, work with and
develop your skills as a healer.
7. Working
with Cancer
This class is about the dos and don’ts of energetically working with
cancer: How to work with radiation and chemotherapy.
How to work with medications and help alleviate side effects. How to work
with a compromised and weakened immune system. How to work with and manage
pain. How to create a healing environment within the body
8. Protect Yourself from Psychic Attacks
How do you protect your self from physic attacks? What are they? In
this class you will learn what physic attacks are and how to protect
yourself from their harmful effects. You will learn how to prepare and set
up your healing room or work space to keep out undesirable influences. You
will learn how to turn your healing room or work space into a Temple of
light. We will also work on fine tuning the instrument (you) and how to
disconnect yourself from unwanted people in your life.
For this class if everyone in the class has second degree Reiki I
can teach you how to use Reiki for protection.
9. Anatomy for Healers
Anatomy for healers is a basic anatomy class to introduce the beginner
healer to the body and where the parts are. You will start to identify
internal body parts not only by where they are but what they feel like. In
this class you will start to energetically find and work with internal
10. Working with Spirit
This class will teach you how to develop an understanding of the
physical and spiritual worlds: how to connect with Spirit, how to listen to
and understand Spirit. You will learn how to work with Spirit and have
Spirit work through you. These are vital aspects for any one who would like
to create a relationship with Spirit within their every day life.
11. Working with the Emotional Body
In this class you will learn how to recognize and understand patterns:
how they affect you and your everyday life, what they look like in you and
in others and how to change them. You will learn how to find out who you are
by finding out who you are not and work with your own patterns to stop them
before they start. This class is designed for your change and
transformational growth.
12. Working with time
This class is designed to help you understand the illusion of time and
how your consciousness creates and alters time. You will learn how to create
more time within your time and how to use it in the healing process. You
will learn how to work with the past and present to create the possibility
of multiple probable futures.
13. Change and Transformational Growth 2
What is change? What does it look like? And why do we want it? All
these questions will be answered. In this class you will be part of a
process of coming from darkness into the light.
14. Hands on Healing 2
this class you will start to fine tune the Instrument. You will utilize what
you have learned and apply it to healing. You will learn and practice long
distance healing.
15. Creating your Reality
This class is designed to teach you
the skills required for creating a reality, a way of life that works for
you. The class will go into great depth and detail about your
responsibility in creating such a change. And how this change will effect
you and everyone around you. You will learn how addictions keep you from
growing and how to work with them to eliminate them from your life. You will
learn how to find out who you are by finding out who you are not.
16. Inner Dimensional Drawing
class is designed to help you understand the geometry of creation and how it
applies to you. The process of drawing inner dimensionally allows you to
hold and maintain altered states which in turn changes and raises your
vibrations, helping you to feel and experience more. Being able to draw from
a non mental state creates new neuropath ways in your brain allowing you to
understand and perceive the world around you differentially.
This is a hands-on experience in which the
student will learn the correlation between shapes and the student's path,
body and health. This is a facet of the ancient art of sacred geometry
17. Change and Transformational Growth 3
What is change? What does it look like? And why do we want it? All
these questions will be answered. In this class you will be part of a
process of coming from darkness into the light.
18. Hand on Healing 3
This is the last class in the Level 1 program. In this class you will
learn how to apply all you have learned and how to create a healing practice
and be a healer.
19. Why
function does religion have and why should we belong to one? Why God? Why
not something else? What power does God have over us? What power do we have
over God? What happens when you die? What happens when you live? How do you
determine what to believe and what not believe or does it matter? What is
morality and how do you use it?
Working with
the Dying
is death? How do we know when our clients or love ones are dying? How do
we work with the dying? Most of us are either working with someone or have
a love one who is dying. If so, this is a class for you. Working with the
dying and their family is quite challenging and very rewarding. In this
class you will learn how to work with the dying process and how to help the
dying person when they die. How do you become the ray of hope that holds
the family together?
you aware of how your anger is harming everyone around you even if you
believe you are not angry? Is it your anger or are you caught up in the
group field.
This is important to
know especially during this time when so many people are loosing their jobs,
their homes and their money. Millions of people are panicking. They are
frustrated, fed up and very angry. A group field this large sucks every up
in it and fuels it.
In this class you
will learn how to get rid of your anger, so the group field or any one else
will be able to make you angry.
1. Feeling energy
2. Generating Energy
3. Working with Time
4. Connecting with Spirit
1. Brain Balancing
2: Chelation
3. Spine
4. Heart opening
5. Giving
Location of class is determined by class size. All
classes are in the Pasadena area.
If you are interested in The School contact me at