Energy Healing for Animals
What can Energy Healing do for your Animal?
The body, including animals and every
living creature, is self replicating, self regenerating and self healing.
The problem is when the body forgets how or needs a little help and there are other factors that get
in the way of this natural process. When an animal is sick or injured it’s
energy level drops and the healing process is slowed or sometimes even
stopped all together.
What Energy Healing does is supply the body with the energies needed
for regeneration and cell replication. With the body full of the energy the
body starts to remember, how to heal itself. Then the healing process starts
up again at an accelerated rate. There is a lot that an Energy Healer can
do to help accelerate the process and promote healing.
Tracy and Shannon work with the energy field of the animal by supplying the energetic
vibrations and frequencies needed for the animal to:
- Replicates cells normally
- Repairs damage done to the tissues and organs caused by accident, surgery or
- Dissolves scar tissue
Balances the organs and glands
Strengthens the immune system
Treats symptoms and causes of illness
Relieves pain
Promotes natural self-healing
Clears toxins
Releases blocked and suppressed energy
To schedule an appointment for Energy Healing
click Contact